Use and installation

For a effectively and correct monetization

At this point, you should have your Publisher Key with you, you'll need it to initialize the SDK.

Initialize the SDK

Our recommendation is to initialize the SDK inside the Application class of the app to guarantee the best results for monetization, although it can be done in any main Activity too

NetsocksSdk.enable(this, "YOUR PUBLISHER KEY");

By initializing the SDK this way will automatically enable monetization. No further action is required unless you want to condition monetization based on user consent

Verify if monetization is enabled

To determine if the Netsocks SDK is enabled, you can use the following method, providing the context of either the application or the activity


Disable monetization

In case a user has not given their consent, you can disable monetization using the following method


Remember to check the consent section for more information on what to do if the user chooses to not accept Netsocks SDK.

Last updated